Sunshine Award Ceremony & Notes on Fellow Bloggers!

I have been awarded the above shown Sunshine award, people!! This award has come to me from Bookworm.
About Sunshine award:
The Sunshine Award is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers. The recipients of the Sunshine Award are: “Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.” The way the award works is this: Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them. Answer questions about yourself. Select 10 of your favorite bloggers, link their blogs to your post and let them know they have been awarded the Sunshine Award!
So now you know why I got this award
About Bookworm:
Bookworm is a blogger I started following recently and her blog is about, you guessed it right – Book reviews. Famous authors (mostly from abroad) send her their physical books (not eBooks) by air/sea mail in order to get them reviewed! A small author interview is also included with most book review posts. As you can guess, considerable amount of effort goes into the making of each post.
Ten questions (and answers) about me:
1. Favorite Time of the year?
The period in-between summer and winter. Also, the period between winter and summer.
2. Favorite festive movie?
Movie based on a festival? I don’t remember watching any for that reason. Anyway, my favorite movies (in general) are here.
3. What’s your passion?
Taking up impossible goals and not achieving them! Hmmmmm…….
4. Favorite colour?
If I have to name only one, then I will go with sky-blue.
5. Favorite time of the day?
Nights in summer and mornings in winter.
6. Favorite flower?
Favorite flower? For this post, I might rather want to go with sunflower!
7. Favorite non-alcoholic beverage?
Fresh juices, Milk shakes.
8. Favorite physical activity?
Sleeping. Ah, that wonderful state we can go into in the midst of chaos and confusion and piled up work. Pure bliss!
9. Favorite vacation?
Frankly speaking, I am not a naturally outgoing person. Though I write about various tourist places around few cities, I do it for the blog. If I had a couple of days for myself, I would rather stay at home, sleep well, write/read blogs, day-dream, read a few pages of any non-fiction book, watch a movie, listen to my favorite songs, eat/drink tasty foods and beverages. Actually, I must try this
The much awaited Sunshine awards ceremony and notes on fellow bloggers:
I hereby take the privilege of presenting the sunshine award to the following about-to-become-popular bloggers
Among my big-list of followers (which can be counted by fingers in two hands), Sandhya Maami has been one of the earliest Blogger I have been following (from 2008?). Some of her favorite topics are: Writing about her cat, writing about social causes, writing about temples, writing about DD, writing about flowers/plants/butterflies in her garden, etc.
2. Ashwathy
This is another blogger whom I have been following for a very long time. Her Matrimonial Mismashes series was very popular and a lot of fun to read But now that she is married, she has stopped writing that series! There is a huge advantage of following this blogger – You put one comment, you receive 5-6 comments back! What are you waiting for?
He is again a blogger whom I have been following for a few years now. His insight on life is quite unmatched! Another impressive quality about this blogger is his brevity. He conveys so much using just a few words. We all need to learn that skill from him!
These days, I don’t watch TV. Still, I manage to get a lot of information/analysis about current affairs and news because I follow his blog. You must do it, as well.
5. Bikram
If there is someone who can write so passionately and so frankly, particularly on topics related to India, it should be him. I guess he lives in UK but his heart is in India! And yes, comments on his posts can easily touch 150. That number is for days he feels slightly less active!
6. Jas
Along with posts about her son’s mischiefs and fancy-dress competitions, she also writes about social issues. I value both her insights and her style of writing on social issues topics.
If there is someone who is passionate about going to (expensive) trips around Singapore and writing about them, it should be her! She has also somehow managed to rope-in star commenter’s like Visha and Greenboochi!!
8. Shilpa Garg
She is a BlogAdda Premium blogger! Obviously her blog should be exceptional, to have been selected. At this juncture, I must admit that I too applied to become a premium blogger, but was rejected Since I started following this blog quite recently, I don’t have much else to say. But I am sure I will have more to say during the next awards ceremony!
9. Jeevan
At a time when I was thinking that my update frequency was quite high, I came across this blogger whose update frequency is even more than mine! He can easily switch between poems, travel articles/photos and thoughtful memoirs.
10. SG
‘Shoot the Breeze’ is one of the most different names I have come across for a blog, in recent times. As he says, he left his heart back in San Fransisco (though I would have preferred to read India, there ) and has a rather passionate follower in Who says this?
Special mentions:
I need to mention two more bloggers who write well and whose blogs I follow regularly, even though I might not comment there regularly. One is Cyber Nag who not only writes exceptionally herself, but also manages to get exceptional posts from her guest authors! I am glad to pass the sunshine award to her as well.
Another blogger is Reflections, who writes very well on a myriad of topics, and will make you feel that a life without two daughters (who constantly fight) is no fun! Recently, I requested a post card (which was given to a few others) and it was blatantly refused. For this reason, I too refuse to give this award to her. You get only a mention
Destination Infinity
PS: I am not able to access any blogs & wikipedia pages through my ISP for the last 4 days. I am working on it, thanks for your patience…
Your ideal vacation sounds awesome. Next weekend I shall visit all your favourite bloggers. Thanks for passing on the award.
Thanks for giving the award to me!
Destination Infinity
Congrats on the award, Rajesh. Enjoyed reading your answers and the description of fellow bloggers of whom I follow three.
Have a good week.
Joy always,
I feel nervous of the fact that an English teacher reads my posts! But since you mentioned in a previous post that you don’t like grammar that much, you are definitely welcome
Destination Infinity
Congratulations for the award, Rajesh!

Some wonderful answers… Smiling @ your passion… “Taking up impossible goals and not achieving them!”
Your vacation preference matches with mine… I’d prefer to spend vacations exactly in this way!
Thanks a ton for the award! Truly appreciate it!
You may not believe it, but at times, I smile at my own passions!
Destination Infinity
Congratulations , WOW… and then you make my day by mentioning me also yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy… Thank you so much for those beautiful kind words ..
DI .. only the brave take up impossible goals and you sir are one of them so Good ..
and sleeeping is goooooooooooooddd
I am glad that there are few out their who think that way about me genuinely , and I also hope and pray to god that I am worthy of all this ..
Take care my friend and congrats once again
Of course, you are worthy of this award and many more Bikram. You write straight from the heart and that is a rare quality to find in this world!
BTW, I am not able to access any blogs (incl. yours) now
Destination Infinity
Yipppeeeeee… Sunshine on my blog
I am honored DI
And congratulations for the award .
Btw, loved the physical activity among piles of work
Yes, sun is shining on so many blogs
The excuse I give myself to sleep is: You can work more efficiently once you wake up from sleep, c’mon sleeeeeppppp!!!! 
Destination Infinity
I feel glad being selected to the award… … and your note is inspiring to write even more
I liked your answers and my favorite time of the day is also same. I do all the same rather always being at home, I love going out and exploring more places until I able to manage or my parents could.
Thanks for the award. Congrats Rajesh
Why you’ll not be able to manage? If we think that something is possible, the doors for doing them will automatically open. We just need to explore a bit more and think creatively in order to solve any problem… And yes, I would like to see you write more and more…
Destination Infinity
I was wondering why there were so many hits from DI’s page today and what do I see….a beautiful award being awarded to everybody except me :-/.
DI my bloggafriend u totally shot yourself in the foot here. If u had just given me that pretty looking flower I wd have been feeling so guilty and wondering how to make up for my huge gaffe. But thankfully you remained true to your self and made me laugh like in ages :-D.
Erm….almost forgot Congrats on the award!!!!
I liked ur take on passion & fav physical activity
Ha ha ha. Tit for tat. Revenge completed
Destination Infinity
Congratulations Rajesh on winning the Sunshine Award. You deserve it. Thank you so much for giving this award to me. I am honored.
I Left My Heart in San Francisco is a famous song sung by Tony Bennett. So I put those words in my blog. You are correct. “Who Posted This” is a passionate reader of my blog, Sometimes, he comments under the name “The Cagey Bee”. Depends on the subject of the post. There are quite a few readers visit my blog only to read his comments. I wish I had his talent in writing.
Oh, I didn’t know that it was a song… I will listen to it shortly. I remember reading some stormy comments from Mr. Cagey Bee!
Destination Infinity
Congratulations, DI.
Its always a pleasure to be here and i think this comes very deserving.
Thanks Rak. BTW, I am not able to submit my comment on your latest post. Not sure if the problem is in my side as a couple of others have commented there!
Destination Infinity
Liked all your answers (kinda matched mine), except for what you do on a vacation.. I like going out, instead of lazing at home usually
I am going out these days. Sort of forcing myself to. You should also try lazing at home. You don’t have to force yourself for it, once you’ve had the experience, it’s just bliss!
Destination Infinity
Hahahah….. you put one comment, you get 5-6 in return???
Where did that theory come from?? That’s mainly coz I check if you have responded to any of my comments (which you do). But more importantly, you write 3-4 posts each time I post one post!! Hence u receive more comments
Thanks anyway, it’s been awhile since anyone gifted me an award… I am not very regular with posts. I will try and take this up!
And hey…who told you I stopped writing Mish-mashes? It’s still there… go check out my blog properly. It has been renamed as MARITAL mish-mashes instead, and every few months I gather incidents that happened over a period and pen them down. The new update is due already, but I had been very busy with some entrance exams hence did not get time. Will be posting something new before the end of the month.
Marital mismashes need to be published more often to remind the audience that you are continuing that series. You can take inspiration from my autobiography series
Destination Infinity
Yay! Thankeeeeeeeee ! Sunshine makes me happiee!
LOL – no expensive trips and all DI. hehehehe – I laughed aloud reading that!
Next I am going to Sri Lanka, so I will write that okay?
Uh oh, I forgot to congratulate you! Congraaaaaaaaaats DI ! Keep blogging
Ok, so now we can expect updates on (expensive) trips from Sri Lanka!!
Where are you staying in Sri Lanka? Let me guess – Hilton? 
Destination Infinity
hehe you have a PhD in pulling people’s leg
No Rajesh, we are staying at a resort there
Just for 4 days though.
thanks for mentioning me giving me award
LOL what a post! Loved reading what u have written about some of the blogs here whom I know and read too

A lots of new blogs to read here. I cannot believe I missed you for so long
Came here from Ash. Congrats on the award.
I don’t know how I missed this post! I was busy shopping for a function at home. We are planning to shift from this house to a flat. We did gruhapravesh for that flat and so was busy. Your award means a lot to me, D.I. You are always D.I. for me…I came to know about you as D.I.!
Congratulations for your award.
Stop sleeping and roam and write many posts on them!
I never miss reading and commenting on your posts, mostly…nearly all!
Done, D.I.! Thank you!
congrats for the award Rajesh Sir .. loved those answers !
Thank you Rahul ji!
Destination Infinity