The Reality Music Show
At that tender age of 10, he knew that he had such a huge responsibility to shoulder. He knew that he was the most anticipated singer the world has been waiting for. The thunderous applause just confirmed it three times over. Until…
Image credit: Shanth. This image has been published under this creative commons license.
He couldn’t believe it when he got an invite from the reality-based popular TRP-leading music program. He was wondering how his talent got recognized and how he got a chance to debut in the silver screen. He asked his mom, but she just told him that everything had been previously settled.
He wondered if there would be a tough selection process for the show. But to his surprise, he was informed that his first performance would be Live from the studio. Oh, why would they conduct a trial? After all, it would be an insult to his great talent.
He and his mother went to the reality music show, the following week. There were 16 contestants including himself and he was thinking that the competition is going to be tough. For others, that is.
During the show, there were two rounds initially and he sang his heart out. Those two songs were perhaps his best rendition till date. The judges gave him a standing ovation and so did the public. Two hands were not enough to wipe off the tears from his eyes! He was ecstatic. At last, the people had the chance to listen to the greatest upcoming talent on earth.
Then came the elimination announcement. Yes, he was the first to be eliminated.
He was shocked. The cameras zoomed in and caught his expression perfectly from all angles. A sad music was playing in the background. He and his mother were called to the stage to express their feelings. The judges were gently questioning them,
“We had a very tough time deciding on this elimination. You have all the qualities to become the next musical icon. A little more practice, and you’re already there. By the way, who is your Guru?”
“Oh, I just play some songs in the computer speakers and hum along. I learned to sing myself”
His mother intervened, “Oh, he is just joking. He has been learning music from the age of 1.5 from Maestro Ustad Sangeetha Kalanidhi Shastry Pandit”
The Judges continued, “Oh, such a renowned musical genius. I am sure you have crossed a lot of hurdles to reach this stage. Tell us about your struggles”
“Yeah, the traffic was horrible today. We somehow managed to come in the wrong-way without being caught by the traffic police”
His mother again intervened, “Oh, what a sense of humour he has, no?” After gesturing him to shut-up, she continued “We are very poor. We don’t even have a car and we just go to one foreign trip per year, you know. In spite of such gaping poverty, we have developed his musical talents”
The judges continue, “Oh, I am sure your sacrifices will make him the most popular musical genius of the future. We wish both of you all the best in your musical journey.
Just remember that your son has not lost anything today, the world of music has lost him”
The crowd gave them a thunderous applause with tears in their eyes. The cameras followed them and interviewed all their relatives, maid servant, watch man and everyone else.
At that tender age of 10, he knew that he had such a huge responsibility to shoulder. He knew that he was the most anticipated singer the world has been waiting for. The thunderous applause just confirmed it three times over. Until…
He heard this conversation while going in a public bus on the next day,
“The quality of singing in kids has decreased so much these days, hasn’t it? Did you see the reality show yesterday? All the kids were pathetic. The first one to go was the worst of them all. He gave a rock-bottom performance. I am not sure if he was singing or shouting. These kids should be made to record their own voice and listen to it thousand times a day, as punishment”
Destination Infinity
Ha Ha Ha. Enjoyed it. Very true with all kinds of such shows being telecast.
well written, reality show is only made created to make money.
Reality shows don’t really make sense nowadays. All they care about is the TRP!
The day reality shows started rating performances by audience polls, quality of performances degraded. Reality shows are there just to improve TRP ratings and do extra noise than required. But, sometimes it hurts good participants a lot. A genuine good performer may get eliminated due to audience polls or something. There is too much hype created for each episode that it is very difficult to handle the pressure for the participant.
My thoughts on the same –
ouch ! Do you think so too?
I don’t watch reality shows much these days but some of the music shows are so beautiful while on the other hand, some are a major let down !
Add to it, there is a lot of other things happening in “real” reality as well !
Brilliant write! Loved it!
I can never be caught dead in front of a reality show, or for that matter alive in front of one!
Ha ha ha… talk about dose of reality
Good post, D.I. The one show I still remember enjoying is ‘Saregama’ which was directed by Gajendra Singh and Sonu Nigam was the anchor many years back. No dramas or voting by public. Pure music.
Now, everything is just drama and money making show. The children are given adult clothes and asked to dance in a music show. Horrible. The parents encourage this.
Huh, I will go on ranting.
They are turning pathetic day by day. I guess all shows are becoming scripted.
The only reality show I watch and love is Masterchef Australia!
lol .. and the only image that comes to my mind for who the guest (judge) is .. it has to be mithun da .. lol