This BLOG is not our Web-blog :P


I was surprised to see this shop opposite to Ambattur Rakki Cinemas in Chennai. But I guess the name is not inspired from our web-blog ๐Ÿ˜›

Destination Infinity

6 thoughts on โ€œThis BLOG is not our Web-blog :Pโ€

  1. Sunita

    LOL..probably the owners ran out of ideas for names!

    1. Rajesh K

      Or probably this shop has been in existence from pre-blog days!

      Destination Infinity

  2. Jeevan

    Cool finding outโ€ฆ but who knows, the owner could own a fashion blog! Lol

    1. Rajesh K

      Quite possible that the name has been inspired from our blog, maybe I should ask them next time I go there ๐Ÿ™‚

      Destination Infinity

  3. Avada Kedavra

    LOL! why did they name a fashion store BLOG? ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Rajesh K


      Destination Infinity

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