Have you seen an Idly Steamer? (Used before Cooker)


Guys, have you seen an Idly steamer that was used before cookers to make idlys? Looks like it is still being used at some places. I found one at a relative’s house recently. Guess what, this Idly steamer makes puffed idlys that are thicker, instead of the flat idlys we are get from a cooker. And the idly tastes nice – not sure if this is because of the homemade flour (vs. readymade flour we find commonly nowadays), or the steamer.


Notice that the idly plates have holes underneath. They put a cloth over the plates and then pour the flour. I was told that such plates with holes were used with cookers too earlier, but even the oldest ones I remember were without holes. Probably, the idly puffs and expands on the top because of the steam that provides additional heat by percolating through these holes (just a guess). Of course the steam comes from the water put underneath, just like a cooker.

This steamer can hold a maximum of two plates with five idlys unlike the cooker that can hold more plates. The reason for this post is: Why were the steamers replaced by cookers when the idlys are clearly better in the idly steamer? Have you guys seen a steamer before – this is the first time I am seeing one.

BTW, idly has never been my favorite dish. But sambar idly (idly soaked in sambar) has always been! And I also like idly upma, kaima idly, etc. Do you people like idly?

Destination Infinity

Photo Credit: Destination8infinity (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons.

25 thoughts on “Have you seen an Idly Steamer? (Used before Cooker)

  1. Devilish Angel

    My mom still uses idly steamer… Idly is a simple and tasty dish… Ghee idly, Sambar idly tastes good…

    1. Rajesh K

      Good to know your mother still uses it. I vote for sambar idly with ghee and onions 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  2. SG

    My mom used to make idly in this type of steamer all the time. I, personally, am a chutney man.

    1. Rajesh K

      Chutney/Sambhar, I guess, creates the magic. Not idly in itself!

      Destination Infinity

  3. Jeevan

    We still use the idly streamer, which we call idly gundaan. Two idly and a vadai is my favorite always… the idly made using a cloth taste really good.

    1. Rajesh K

      Yes, vadai is my favorite too 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  4. Shilpa

    Yes my mom used it and I still use it . I bought one made of aluminum with 3 plates . So in one full you can make 15 idly . I love idly steamers , I bought and took it to Dubai . People in Dubai , few friends of mine still wonder looking at it , like wise the neyyapa karal:)

    1. Rajesh K

      Looks like more people than I thought are using this! I should find out what this nei-appa karal is 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  5. Ankita

    I have this steamer and I love soft idlis made on this device! the microwave idlis become hard but this old school type rocks!

    1. Rajesh K

      I didn’t even know idlys can be made using microwave!

      Destination Infinity

  6. Sandhya Kumar

    I still use idly steamer but the plates don’t have holes and I don’t use clothes. I love idlies with chutney or saambaar!

    1. Rajesh K

      So even in Chennai people are using it. Only I am unaware!

      Destination Infinity

  7. Alok Singhal

    We always use Steamer. In fact, I never thought people use Cooker to make it.

    1. Rajesh K

      Oh, interesting 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  8. Avada Kedavra

    My mom uses Idly cooker to make idly. I have not seen this steamer either.

    1. Rajesh K

      Same pinch 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  9. sm

    today also in many homes such idly steamers are used including mine

    1. Rajesh K

      good to know 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  10. Manogna

    I have a steel idli steamer,which I use regularly. I love idli sambar combo or idli with groundnut chutney. I used to avoid eating idli earlier, now that I am cooking, I am making them, because they are easy!

    1. Rajesh K

      I have not eaten groundnut chutney. Should taste it sometime!

      Destination Infinity

  11. Ranjini

    We still use these 🙂 I think the fluffiness depends more on the proportion of ingredients used.

    1. Rajesh K

      Probably, but I suspect if the holes under the plates also has to do something with the fluffiness.

      Destination Infinity


    Oooh I would love to buy one of these but as you say I don’t like idly in its own but idly sambar yummmy. .

    This holes thing is similar to the steam rice cooker..

    1. Rajesh K

      Oh, I am yet to see a steam rice cooker too!

      Destination Infinity

    2. Rajesh K

      Oh, i am not aware of a stem rice cooker either!

      Destination Infinity

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