.blog Domain Names available to register from WordPress!!

.blog domain names are now available to register from our beloved WordPress 🙂 Visit get.blog to get your website-name.blog domain name today!

Since WordPress has provided us with an amazing free blog CMS software to use all these years, I thought why not write about their new service and create some buzz. Especially when it could be useful to many bloggers.

The yearly $30 USD asking price is a bit steep when compared to .in or even .com domains, but considering that you can get a short neat .blog domain of your choosing now, it may not be that bad a price to pay. As a blogger, I am sure many will prefer a .blog domain for their blog.

Personally, I don’t know if I am going to buy another domain (I already own four). But would love to have a .blog domain in my arsenal. Let’s see 😉

What about you? Any plans to buy a domain name for your blog? If you need help setting up a domain on your blog (Blogger, WordPress.com or Self-hosted WordPress), let me know. It’s simpler than you think 🙂

Destination Infinity

8 thoughts on “.blog Domain Names available to register from WordPress!!

  1. Jeevan

    I will let you know (to obtain your aid) when i feel i need a domain name 🙂

    1. Rajesh K

      Ya sure, please do.

      Destination Infinity

  2. SG

    Is the $30 a one time fee or annual fee?

    1. Rajesh K

      $30 is the annual fee. I will update the article with this info..

      Destination Infinity

  3. Avada Kedavra

    .blog domain is cool, but since I already have a domain name which I already changed multiple times, I don’t think I will change.

  4. Avada Kedavra

    You have 4 domains? Which ones? I am only aware of 2 – this one and your enviornment related one.

    1. Rajesh K

      I write on technology (computer networking) @ excITingIP.com, I have a chennai specific blog where I list upcoming weekend events @ chennai.buzz.

      Destination Infinity

  5. sm

    useful information for new bloggers

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