A Few Deepavali Vaana Vedikkaigal Captured on my Cam
Here are a few Deepavali Vaana Vedikkaigal (Fire Crackers @ Sky) captured on my camera this year (2018) in and around my home at Chennai. Actually there is a flyover (bypass road) that goes over a small lake. I managed to stop there for a few minutes and shoot the video with the reflection of the cracker lights on the water surface, which I have included in the below video.
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I have never liked crackers. They are too loud. The sparklers are fascinating.
I just wish the sparklers would let out less smoke and sparklers/crackers would all become greener.
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Thanks for the colourful feast for the eyes.
I could hardly see any such in our area except for the loud bangs almost non stop
I guess these sparklers would be lit only during the night, now even time restrictions apply!
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