(Re)Follow Me via Email (If you want to be notified of New Blog Posts)

Google Feedburner, the email delivery service I was using earlier, is now shutting down. If you’ve been getting emails from me when new blog posts are published, it was through Google Feedburner – all these years.
Now I have enabled “Subscribe to this blog via Email:” Jetpack Widget on the top right corner (sidebar) of my blog https://destinationinfinity.org. (Click to visit).
Please click the above link to visit my homepage and resubscribe to the new blog post notifications via email by entering your email address, and confirming the same from your email dashboard.
I cannot add my email followers directly from Feedburner to Jetpack. So, if you want my future blog posts to reach your email address, please visit my blog once again and resubscribe to email notifications.
Thanking you,
Rajesh K
Destination Infinity
I follow your blog via Feedly. It’s very convenient, and I don’t miss any of your new posts.
I used Google Reader for as long as it existed, but Google shut it down too. I was following many blogs through it. Nowadays, I follow blogs mostly through email updates.
Destination Infinity
I too was using Google Reader. It was very good. When it shut down, Feedly was the best to transition from Google Reader, because they made it look very similar to Reader and enabled importing all feeds easily.
Oh, I didn’t know about importing feeds… If I had, I would have switched to Feedly too…
Destination Infinity
I moved to follow.it when the Feedburner announced stopping its service, and I transferred the active email addresses to follow.it with the help of their staff. I follow your blog through bloglovin from the beginning.
Bloglovin is a good feed reader. I have tried it and I liked it. I tried follow.it myself but there were some issues, so I switched to the built-in email service offered by WordPress through jetpack. This is good, I have used it before.
Destination Infinity
I follow your blog posts under the heading “Blogs I Love To Read” on the right side of my own blog.
Ya, I see it sometimes when I visit your blog. Blogger has that nice feature!
Destination Infinity