Our New Pet – Lovebirds
One fine day, for some unknown reason, we visited a pet shop. We thought of it in the evening, and by late evening, we were already in the shop thinking about which pet to buy.
Actually, I considered buying a dog, but given my health condition and the effort and time it takes to maintain one, I gave up on the idea.
Our next best option was to buy the cocktail bird. That’s a type of parrot that comes to your hands and sort of listens to your commands. I loved it.
But since both of us are novices, we thought we should start with a smaller bird first and gradually move up to larger birds.
The shopowner suggested Lovebirds. Since they looked awesomely cute and not much maintenance or effort is required from our side, we bought them. I think lovebirds are a great choice for first-time bird owners
We will slowly graduate to owning a cocktail; until then, we intend to have fun with these little darlings. For instance, here is a short video we shot while walking these lovebirds at our local park.
Needless to say, with the birds, we were the center of attraction at the park today
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PS: It seems pets may not be allowed in parks, but I was unsure if anyone would have issues with us taking these small caged birds. Fortunately, no one objected today.
PS-2: It seems these birds are called budgies, not lovebirds! But they too are a type of parrots anyway!
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Wonderful birds
Yes, a great stress-buster
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Oh, that’s nice. Pets are good company. They help us feel better with their therapeutic qualities. We had cats for a long time. We would like to have them again. But if we have to lock our house and go on a tour, then it becomes a problem. So we are putting that off.
With these birds, we can keep them in the house even if we are away. We just need to buy a bird feeder and keep sufficient grains and water for a few days. The birds will themselves eat and drink whenever they need.
There are services that take care of pets while we are away – like hotels. There are at least two near our house. But they are somewhat expensive.
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