How Desperately Difficult it is to be Honest

This post was inspired from the quote : “How Desperately Difficult it is to be Honest with oneself. It is much easier to be honest with others”. It has been taken quite literally. It is about the questions that a person would want to ask if he meets himself, who is 10 years older. This is only possible if a Time machine were invented, but it is possible in my blog too 🙂 . I have written this one in Youth Unite, where I am a Co-author. You can find the post in the below link.

Destination Infinity

3 thoughts on “How Desperately Difficult it is to be Honest

  1. Hasit

    Hey… I have been reding your posts on YU and they interest me a lot. adding you to my blog. hope to see the same from you.

  2. Hasit

    also… bookmarked your site. will keep coming back and will keep commenting bro. keep up the good writing.

  3. Destination Infinity

    Hey, thanks Hasit. You are already in my reader. I have taken off the Blogroll from this site. If I get it back, ill definitely add you.

    Destination Infinity.

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