V.O.C Zoo and Park in Coimbatore

Peacock with its feathers open VOC Zoological Park CoimbatoreAs you would have noticed, I have been moving around Coimbatore quite a bit during the weekends, and have more plans to visit nearby tourist destinations too very soon as I have some time in my hands now, thankfully! This post is to present some photos taken at the VOC Zoological Park in Coimbatore which is right in the heart of the city – perhaps a 20 minute walk from the main bus terminus in Gandhipuram would take you there. The Nehru Stadium is right opposite to this park.

The V.O.C Zoo is quite a small Zoo when you compare with the Chennai or  Thiruvananthapuram Zoo’s. But, if you want to spend time quickly without traveling much from the center of the city, this is a good option! I have published some photos from this zoo, but there are some more animals, reptiles and birds too. After each photo, I have included a question/answer caption which I picked up from the entrance of this zoo. Enjoy……. 🙂

Coimbatore VOC Park Birds“Why should we not feed the zoo animals?” – “Zoo animals are on special diets, which have been scientifically worked out to meet their needs. Your feeding them may cause them to go off their regular food. Wrong food may lead to digestive troubles or worse. Help us to keep these animals healthy by not feeding them!”

Parrots in VOC Zoo Coimbatore“Why should we not tease the animals?” – “Teasing disturbs and frightens the animals. Sticks and stones thrown at them may injure them. They may swallow things thrown in to enclosures and this may lead to problems. Do not throw stones, sticks and other objects at the animals as it may seriously hurt them”

Peacock photo in Coimbatore Zoo“Why should we worry whether the zoo is clean?” – “A dirty zoo is unpleasant for visitors and unhealthy for animals. Put all litter in garbage bins. No smoking please. Help us to keep the zoo clean and litter free”

Rabbits in VOC Park Coimbatore“Why should we not scratch the signs?” – “Signs help us to know more about the animals we are visiting. The signs have to be there for all who visit the zoo after us. Signs are meant to be read and not scratched. Do not disfigure or damage the signs”

Camel in Coimbatore VOC Zoological Park - Photo“Why we should not cross barriers and fences?” – “Most zoo animals are not tame. If you go too near, the animals may react by attacking. Do not jump over barriers and fences”

Hopefully you people would follow these guidelines whenever you visit a zoo!

Quite next to the zoo, there is this V.O.C park which is a nice little park to move around and take some rest/ catch up with a conversation. When I went there there was this ‘Wildlife week celebration’ going on which was a photographic exhibition on wildlife and nature. Actually I was able to click only one photo (of a bird catching fish in mid air) from this exhibition before which I was requested not to take photos of the exhibit photos!! Well, at least I got one to show you all.

A photo in wildlife week celebrations in VOC Park CoimbatoreMini Charminar in VOC park in CoimbatoreVOC Park Coimbatore Plant Fountain VOC Park CoimbatoreNear the VOC Park, there is a childrens park and even a roller skating ground. So, if you are near Gandhipuram/ Stadium and you want to spend some quality time without going too far, the V.O.C park and zoo might be a very good option.

Destination Infinity

7 thoughts on “V.O.C Zoo and Park in Coimbatore

  1. arvind

    That last pic was amazing dude .. Perfect Timing !! 🙂

    the camel sure looks little too old or may be he is not well ..

    Dont u think so ? 😛

    anyways looks like u are having fun .. I on the other hand had been sulking inside my room for the whole day 🙁

    You mean, the first pic? Actually the camel was sitting at one corner. I went there and was trying to take a photograph of it, but was not able to focus on it due to the distance. Then, suddenly the camel came near the fence walking all the way down, I guess to enable me to get a better picture! Cheer up mate, times change and they change fast…

  2. Nita

    Rajesh, I loved that photo of the peacock. The steel netting in the foreground and the peacock in the background with its feathers out makes a very interesting image.

    Yeah, I was lucky to be there when the peacock decided to open its feathers…

  3. Aiz

    fish catching bird is a brilliant shot

  4. harini shri

    really… voc park is a nice place to visit to spend a good time.but the zoo is very ugly which is not clean.no steps are taken by the govt.so i request the govt and also people to take steps.the above question & answers was really intresting and usefull to all….thanks for information…….



    I guess they are planning to relocate the zoo to a bigger campus soon, so we hope that the new one would be better and spacious… Thanks for your comment…

    1. Dr.K.Asokan

      Please Visit the zoo Once again ,My FB Id : Krish Asokan,,,All the VOC Zoo Day to day Activity posted in my face book page

  5. tabassum

    Pls sir wamt yo bring to your notice this zoo is for kids and all enjoy see the animsla but whenever I wemt with my kid there were so many lovers romancing and so on in opem no shame wen my kid passed near them
    This is am edicational place for kids and noy these dirty things so pls no entry for such behaviour security imside to stop this monsense

  6. Dr.K.Asokan

    Today 10 Germany Tourists ( Secretary for women in Ecumenical Partnership and Coordinator of Project in India) visited our Zoo ,and they gave feedback on our zoo and our work.


    We came here to just see the animals but it was so much more. Thank you for all the explanation, we learned a lot. So we have the impression about such a good core for the animals for our environment. Such innovation movement we saw. Thank you for the important duty that you are doing. We wish you all the best for your work in that beautiful zoo.
    With thanks,
    Penzel, Germany
    Anke orths, Germany
    Secretary for women in Ecumenical Partnership and Coordinator of Project in India

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