The Humble beginnings of the “Red-Tape”


“Dad, my school wants me to donate some money for the flood relief scheme”

“Great. Actually it is a very good thing to do, son. It is good to do your part to help the people suffering in another part of the country”

“It’s been made compulsory”

“I thought it was voluntary”

“Yeah, that’s what the notice board says. But the teacher is asking all the students to donate”



“Its still fine, son. It’s always good to do something to support people who are affected by natural disasters”

“How much do I give?”

“How much did Kumar’s son give?”

“100 rupees”

“Then you give 150. If that Kumar can donate 100, we can do much more. After all, when it comes to the ‘status’, we are far ahead of them”

“They are also organizing a camp. We could volunteer to directly go to the affected villages and distribute materials”

“You are too small for all that…”

“But a couple of guys from my class are going…”

“You don’t understand. The villages are affected by floods. They don’t even have good water to drink. And besides you get cold if you stand in the rain just for even five minutes… Why don’t they give the money to the Government? They are supposed to do the distribution”

“But the teacher says that the Government will take a long time to bring in aid. Our school is adopting one village and we would be helping that village to come back to normal life. They also feel it would be a good opportunity for the children to learn about the ways of dealing with emergency by volunteering to help”

“By doing these things, your school is acknowledging that the Government is unable to do its job. If they are really concerned, they should make sure that the money goes into the right hands and the necessary things are done, instead of involving kids into all this”


Does the Red-Tape start from home or the Government?



Destination Infinity.


PS: The video is the effort of one person wanting to help some of the Tsunami Victims in Sri-Lanka.


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