Talking Crocodiles!

You know crocodiles don’t talk. But in case they talk, let us see what they might discuss. As shown in the above photo, two crocodiles are inside a cage in a zoo. Let us name them C1 and C2.
C1: These humans seem to be hopeless nut-cases ya. I don’t know what fun they have in locking us up in cages, and then coming to see us in droves of groups!
C2: And some of them want to click photos of us from outside the cage. Why don’t they come this side and try it, or try it from close range in an open lake?
C1: I think they basically suffer from Hypnotic bravery disorder. A very few of them (read: in fractions) are actually brave enough to capture us, but all the rest of them who come here seem to think that they are extremely brave and exhibit their bravery from outside the cage. Its self-hypnosis, actually.
C2: I thought majority of them were cowards only with animals, but they seem to be cowardly amongst themselves as well. It seems these days, wars are fought by all countries joining together and attacking a small country.
C1: Their ancestors were better. They fought against equal or powerful enemies. Actually, they had guts. Unlike these keeping-animals-behind-cage-and-laughing-from-outside cowards!
C2: Think of this – In how many species do the members of the same species attack themselves? We eat other species for satisfying our hunger. But these humans attack themselves for every reason other than hunger!
C1: As if that’s not enough, these people have built Nuclear weapons and indulge in Drone warfare. So, they either destroy everything (including themselves) or they sit at home and play war like how the kids do – using remote controlled weapons.
C2: Heights of cowardice. Actually, they are beating themselves with every passing generation. There would be a lot of competition worldwide, if a Noble Cowardice Award is constituted.
C1: On the top of it, they boast that they have six senses while we have five. When will they understand that its not how many senses one has, but how many senses one actually uses?
C2: Speaking about non-sense, they boast that they are the only species who can be happy and laugh at jokes, but see how these people are laughing at us. And after going back, they laugh at each other and even laugh at themselves, all for non-humorous reasons.
C1: Sadism. That’s what their sense of humor and laughter have come to, these days. And then they cry when they are happy. Hypocritical geniuses, I say!
C2: Speaking of hypocrisy, do you know how they comment in blogs these days? However bad and hopeless a post is, they keep saying ‘Excellently written post’, ‘I loved every bit of what you have written’, ‘I was breathless and couldn’t take my eyes off the monitor’, ‘Why haven’t you got a Pulitzer prize Yet?’, etc.
C1: You know how some of them say ‘I don’t agree with your Point of View’? – ‘Such an excellent and balanced representation of a highly debatable topic and I am in full concurrence with what you have written. Adding to your point of view, maybe you should visit my blog and read what I have written on the same topic’!!!
C2: Heights of self-advertisement. Actually, the Brits held unchallenged leadership position for ‘expertise in hypocrisy’, and now it seems to have spread to the whole world…
C1: Like their language? You know what, the human flagship system – ‘Religion’ is finding lesser takers these days, it seems.
C2: But these people cannot stop worshiping something, no? What do they worship now?
C1: Money and gadgets. At last, they have succeeded in changing their worshiping and addiction habits!! And they took generations together (with a few revolutions happening in between) to do it.
C2: I think we have wasted ten minutes talking about their species, who have developed a high level of expertise in sustaining a never-change-for-good attitude. Let us come back to croco-stories. Why does the crocodile in the next cage open its mouth while sleeping?…
Destination Infinity
Totally agree with what C2 said in the last paragraph 😀
I liked the ‘story of human race reality’ as the crocs see it 😀
I loved all the points you have mentioned, but I liked this the most ‘I thought majority of them were cowards only with animals, but they seem to be cowardly amongst themselves as well. It seems these days, wars are fought by all countries joining together and attacking a small country.
C1: Their ancestors were better. They fought against equal or powerful enemies. Actually, they had guts. Unlike these keeping-animals-behind-cage-and-laughing-from-outside cowards!’
Last line is superb! Just waste of time, talking about these dirty humans!
Cant stand the sight of crocodiles & alligators*shudder, shudder* but these seem to be talking sense.
U knw in UAE we are all a bit concerned abt the way Iran is going around happily announcing their nuclear artillery in the name of development. Both Israel & USA are keeping close watch, somethings going to give way soon.
Our problem is that UAE is a hop, skip & jump away from Iran 🙁
ummmm…C1’s blog link pls :-P????
Gosh I seem to be pressing publish before I complete my writing my thoughts…
ROFL on the “C2: Speaking of hypocrisy, do you know how they comment in blogs these days? However bad and hopeless a post is, they keep saying ‘Excellently written post’, ‘I loved every bit of what you have written’, ‘I couldn’t take my eyes of the monitor while reading’, ‘Why haven’t you got a Pulitzer prize yet’, etc.”
😀 😀 😀
This is so true…..especially, the blogging part 🙂
You have expressed about the new-generation humans in a humorous and different way. The idea is really good.
Yes, fantastic story and a nice lesson learnt.
Shall I give a rational explanation? Enna? Kudukkattuma? Sari, kudukkaren.
Human steps have a positive and negative impacts.
You build houses. You become devoid of agricultural land.
You buy ac. You have to pay for electricity.
You go fast in cars. You are at risk of loosing life.
This is what it is.
Wonderful thoughts, DI. Very pertinent in today’s world. Excellence post – very well rendered.
We humans are really fools. Enjoyed the post.
so thought provoking post !
there’s no end to this discussion .. we humans have made mockery of ourselves from times immemorial …
Haha..lovely! Why din’t you get Pulitzer prize DI 😉
Liked the chain of conversations that pulled one into another – like from self hypnosis -cowards – nonsense – sense of humour – sadism – hypocrisy, language – religion….”
Lol at that bit of comments on blog 🙂
Nice lessons from crocodiles!
hahha loved this one and if the crocs were to read this, they would be surprised that there is a human who could read their minds so well 🙂
such an innovative post!! loved it!