The Gang of Wonder Kids by Shetall Ramsinghani (Book Review)

The Gang of Wonder Kids by Shetall Ramsinghani is a sweet book for pre-teens and early-teens that is filled with adventures while helping kids to learn valuable life lessons. Slightly bordering on paranormal, I guess the stories should be exciting (for kids). What takes the cake is the morals/learning conveyed in a non-preachy tone. If you are tired of preaching life lessons, and kids don’t listen to you, you might as well try asking them to read this book!
There are a group of kids who get into difficult situations sometimes because they don’t listen to their parents and other times because some terrorists or witches decided to kidnap them. Every time, they over-power their adversaries and return triumphantly, and learn a lesson or two in the end. These are almost like stories with morals but are written in a light tone woven with adventures and hence might catch the attention of kids.
Although the main characters are sons and daughters of army men — hence supposed to be brave — I don’t think they could actually overpower kidnappers and terrorists in the way they have done in this book! The author makes conflicts look so simple, especially when you read it wearing your adult glasses. But then, for the intended age group, I guess that should be OK. Maybe even fun 🙂
Personally, I loved the message given by the saint: Choose to look at the inherent goodness in things and people and that will be reciprocated! A valuable lesson even and especially for adults 🙂 Altogether a good book that you can confidently give to your kids. Just keep your fingers crossed — they *might* learn a thing or two from this book and apply them to their life! 🙂
The idea of writing a book because a kid kept pestering the author to write a book for him is so sweet 🙂
Destination Infinity
Thanks for the wonderful review.
I should learn to write book reviews from you! 🙂
nice review
Book for kids with moral values is so good.
Good. Reading your review reminded me of Enid Blyton stories. How i miss them!