My Short Fiction eBook is *Free* for 3 Days on Amazon Kindle (13 – 15 Feb)
Video Trailer for the e-book:
My eBook, ‘Short Stories with a Twist’ is free to buy on Amazon Kindle for three days from 13th Feb. – 15th Feb., 2016. I request you all to download the book now and read it using free Kindle apps available for Computer, Tablet or Mobile – when you get time.
I made a video trailer for this eBook which is embedded above. Actually, this was an attempt at humor that backfired Still, since the video trailer is unique and different, so I have made it public. See it before I take it down
Since these are short stories, you can read each story quickly. I hope people among you who don’t read short fiction will also consider reading a few stories. Some are fun, some are serious, some are heart-warming. Different emotions are packed into one short book!
Please don’t forget to give your frank feedback either in the comments here or on Amazon – It will help me write better in the future.
Thanking you,
Rajesh K
Destination Infinity
Will get it right now… that’s a fun video by you
Cool Rajesh
If I download the book through computer, can I read it on the kindle app on the mobile also? Or better download via mobile kindle app?
You just need to buy the Kindle eBook from after creating an account with them. You don’t have to download anything. You can open the book from either the computer or mobile. I heard that even the no. of pages read will be synced between them, if you shift from one to another, in the middle.
Destination Infinity
Have to pay for creating account Rajesh…
Why to pay for creating an account or downloading their app ji? That’s also free only…
Destination Infinity
lol@the trailer. Is that you with a mask?
No, it’s a hired artist
Destination Infinity
Interesting to see a video!

Was the mask , by any chance, Dumbledore or Gandolf?
It was supposed to be a Japanese person, not sure if someone else was being impersonated as one!
Destination Infinity
oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooo I missed itttttttttttttttt
No problem. There maybe another chance
Destination Infinity
I remember a few stories reading in your blog. I still remember reading and enjoying the story, ‘The One’ even after 2 days. You have got great sense of humour, Rajesh! Your capability has come out in this story very well.
Keep writing!