‘India: Destination Infinity’ ~ My New Initiative

I am listening to paid audio content nowadays. One of the speakers asked three questions –

  • Would you do what you are doing if you had enough money in your bank account to last for your lifetime?
  • Does what you do create a lasting impact?
  • Would you be proud of your work and would it survive beyond you to create a legacy?

That made me think. I do a few different things from blogging to video creation to freelance work. But none of them stand the test of these three questions.

I had an idea to learn more about my country, its culture, history, how and why things work in this complex ecosystem, what can we learn from our past and present, and what can we unlearn.

I wanted to do research on these lines and publish a summary of my findings. For some reason, this project never took off.

It’s a huge project, but I think now is the right time to start.

So introducing my new Initiative – India: Destination Infinity

Actually I will be doing the blog posts here in a separate category, but I needed a separate page to list the resources related to this project in one place, so the separate domain.

One of the objectives of this initiative would be to promote Tourism to India. But that’s just the surface. I will be going much deeper on topics related to the Indian past and present that most of us are unfamiliar with.

For example, the first topic I might be presenting on is – Saraswathi Civilization that flourished 12,000 years ago but the river dried a few thousand years later. I am not sure if I can do justice to such a vast topic now, so am exploring other topics as well.

Forms of Content

Since I have developed quite a few content creation skills in recent times, I have decided to create the same content in multiple forms like written blog posts, videos, images, gif (memes), audio (podcast).

I will repurpose and publish content for each topic on multiple places like this blog, medium, quora, linkedin, facebook page, instagram, tik tok, helo, pinterest, youtube, etc.

I guess now you would have realized the enormity of this task – each topic might consume even one-week to create content in so many forms and publish at so many places.

But I want to do it.

When I want to do it, I will do it 🙂

Let’s hope I am able to do at least 2 posts for the ‘India: Destination Infinity’ every month. That should enable me to create a good repository of content in just a year.

That, I hope, will become a legacy that will live beyond me, create a lasting impact, and make me feel proud of my accomplishments – even if I were to vanish in 1 year.

What do you think about this? Any suggestions?

Destination Infinity

8 thoughts on “‘India: Destination Infinity’ ~ My New Initiative

  1. kpartha12
    kpartha12 says:

    Firstly I liked your candid assessment that what you are doing presently may not stand the test of the three questions posed.You are willing to go beyond your traversed path to new areas to bring a change and leave a lasting legacy.I am not sure about the wherewithal(mentioned in first question) and how you would source it. Knowing your persevering trait and dedication to what you do,you would surely accomplish your goals.

    You have a yen to try out new things, indefatigable spirit and good communication skills. I wish you find some one to fund the project with sharing of outcome.
    Best regards

    1. Rajesh K

      Thanks for your wishes, KPji. I think we are all doing the bidding of a higher power, and I’ll leave it to them to figure out if this project will succeed or not. My job is only to create useful and interesting content 🙂

      Funding is not an issue with a project like this. I always seem to be in short of time, not money!

      Destination Infinity

  2. Pradeep

    I am glad that you have decided to get the project moving. Everything has a time, and probably the time for this has come now. If you persevere, I am sure you will be able to achieve this. I am glad that you have funds for this; usually, people have a problem with money.

    The one thing you have to keep in mind is the subject is very competitive. There are many places where one can get information on tourist destinations in India. So you have to provide details most other sources fail to provide.

    I am sure you will be able to rise to that challenge because you are doing this because of your passion. Since I am also interested in tourism, I will follow this.

    Wish you the very best, Rajesh.

    1. Rajesh K

      Encouraging Tourism to India is a part of this project, but a small part. I am more interested in deciphering why things work the way they do in India. I also want to bring light to long lost historical and mythological stories from the past. And I am equally interested in stories and insights from our contemporary times.

      There is a cultural thread connecting everything in India. I want to explore more of that.

      Destination Infinity

  3. SG

    Wish you all the best.

    1. Rajesh K

      Thanks much, SG 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  4. Jeevan

    Definitely a great move and I’m sure you make it in best ways.

    1. Rajesh K

      Thanks much, Jeevan 🙂

      Destination Infinity

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