How to make Large Bubbles?

To make LARGE bubbles, you need a LARGE stick/wand. It’s that simple!
When we were kids, we all remember buying small bubble maker kit and blowing many bubbles out of it. I guess you still get them, but the issue is – they’re SMALL.
Recently, when we went out, we found a seller making these large bubbles (which you can see in the below embedded video). Instinctively we bought the bubble maker kit and… made large bubbles at home!
Here is the beautiful video of bubbles we made –
Recently we found a similar large bubble-making kit in a fancy store near our house too. But even those were smaller than the stick/wand we used in the video. If you are in Chennai, and you want to know where to buy that large bubble creation kit, see the video fully.
You can also see the first 30-seconds to get an idea of the kind of bubbles I am talking about
Destination Infinity
That’s nice.. Not just for children but for elders too it’s a good stressbuster!
Ya, it’s also for elders who love reliving their childhood times occasionally
Destination Infinity
Cool. Kids will love it. Even some adults too.
Ya, we loved it
Destination Infinity
I believe bubbles transport us to childhood, and this looks double delight to play with!
I love bubbles
Ya, it’s a great way to kill 30-minutes – happily
Destination Infinity