Why Snatch Away the Silver Medal? #VineshPhogat #Wrestling #Olympics
In one of the stupidest rules set by United World Wrestling, Vinesh Phogat has lost even the silver at the 2024 Paris Olympics, which she deserved and won.

I can understand if she was not allowed to fight in the final match as she was overweight by 100 grams. But how on earth can they snatch away the Silver Medal for which she fought so hard and won? She defeated such stalwarts en-route, and now we face this situation.
How can the UWW draft a rule that snatches away a medal, after it was won having been in the right weight until then? This is just unacceptable.
I also feel that India has been soft on this case. If this was cricket, people would have been falling over each other to influence the ICC. But, I feel, people in certain administrative positions are soft on demanding the Silver that Vinesh, and India deserves.
For the first time, I am losing my respect for an Olympic Medal.
I respect people who fight giants for a rightful cause. Vinesh is already a STAR. She doesn’t need that silver decoration which will not be visible in her shine anyway.
That Silver Medal doesn’t deserve Vinesh.
Destination Infinity
I understand your frustration and anger. Government cannot interfere in these decisions. I cannot recall the name now. One other female wrestler from an European nation was also disqualified for the same reason