3D Photo Slideshow – Our Taj Mahal Trip Photos

I have now learned how to create 3D Models – the 3D Taj Mahal you see in the above video was created by me from scratch.

I have also learned how to convert regular photos into 3D objects. I have placed these 3D photos around the 3D Taj Mahal set created by me, in the above video.

Now, when I move the camera from one photo to another, a 3D photo slideshow effect is created. Look at how beautifully the photos blend in 3D space.

I plan to create more 3D sets like these in order to use them as backgrounds/props for my 3D slideshows. The world of 3D is welcoming me and I have just started… Hope to do much more… 🙂

Destination Infinity

6 thoughts on “3D Photo Slideshow – Our Taj Mahal Trip Photos

  1. SG

    Awesome. Which software/app you used for this?

    1. Rajesh K

      3D Paint & Blender. 3D paint is available for free on all Windows systems, if you are on Windows 10, try it out.

      Destination Infinity

  2. Jeevan

    Lovely done rajesh! Really liked you 3D version of Taj Mahal and wish you keep up this creative zone… 🙂

    1. Rajesh K

      Thanks much, Jeevan 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  3. Pradeep

    Absolutely stunning. Really enjoyed this one.

    1. Rajesh K

      Thank you 🙂

      Destination Infinity

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